this is the dog eric won me. Bella is so afraid of it. Its cute. but this dog is huge

Maddie, her 2 friends and Diego all on a ride that goes up and down pretty fast

thats the front of the sand castle. it was so awesome

this was an awesome sand castle for display and this is the back of it

Eric with an old fire truck

Diego rock climbing. he made it to the top and got a prize

Diego getting ready to get off of that big slide that he went on

Diego and I after I had gotten off of the water ride. I rode that ride with my mom and dad so of course i was in the front and I got soaked and my dad was splashing me the whole time as well

Diego on the Yo yo
Today eric and I went to the pima county fair with my parents, Maddie, Diego and Maddies 2 friends. We had lots of fun. We rode rides. Played some games. It was a fun day with my family. We saw some really neat things. Eric also won me a huge dog. He had to play a basketball game and he won it for me on the first try.