our nephews Trevor, Tanner and Cooper Coop trick or treating Rawn Decorating Eric up So this Halloween we deicded to come spend it with erics family. we had a fun night trick or treating with our nephews!
Amber riding in the space ship Kaylee riding in the car Diego, Jackson, Amber, Hayden and Kaylee My favorite sister Madison and I. Eric and I Last sunday we had sunday dinner at my moms while i was also baby-sitting my cousins Amber and Kaylee. we had a fun girls night, jumping on trampoline, painting nails, etc.
you can barely see this but it is a call box. I have never seen these before. apparently they are really known but i guess not to me. this amused me so much. hey when a 9 hour drive turns into a 12 hour drive we need the little things to amuse us These amused us on the drive there...
It has been so long since I have posted anything on here thought I would share what has been going on. The beginning of october we went to Taft, CA. Its like 45 min from bakersfield and is a very small town. My friend was having a babyshower so we went to visit. We are thinking planning and hopefully moving there this coming spring as long as eric gets the job he is hoping to get. We did not get very many pictures while we were there but here are a few we did get.
We are both 22. We got married on Oct. 11,2008 and we love each other very much! He loves movies. She loves kids. He is going to school to be a fire fighter. She is going to school to be a teacher. We are trying to move to utah in march 2011.