Bailey Boop with the wind blowing her hair
Brady and I
Brady ready for his game
The kids had put this hannah montana wig on eric
Bailey and Brady being goofy
This weekend we went to sierra vista ro visit my aunt Lori, Uncle Jordan, and my cousins Chandler, Bailey and Brady. We got their friday night and got home about an hour ago. On saturday we went to bradys baseball game and the went to a town carnival that they had. Unfortuately my camera died after the game so i got no pictures of the carnival. Then today we went to church with them. I used to live in sierra vista with my aunt and uncle. So i like it a lot. but it was erics first time their and he really liked it. He said he wouldnt mind living their. It is beautiful and we loved it and had a lot of fun. Brady is co cute. He told me he said "Tay-Tay I have fallen in love with you, if you werent married to eric and I was a little bit older I would marry you." Earlier tonight we were also talking about Eric and I and I had said "Im in love with eric." and Brady got this real sad face and I said "you want me to be in love with you huh?" Brady said "yeah!!!" So I said " I love you as my wonderful cousin." He was so funny and cute and we had a lot of fun.
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